Our frames & prints

We've partnered with a premium printer and framer to ensure the quality of our framed prints befits the craftsmanship of the art itself


Framed by hand in Cambridgeshire

Our prints are framed by hand in Cambridgeshire in the UK, using only European sourced PEFC™ and FSC approved woods. Frames are Fine Art Trade Guild accredited which means they meet strict conservation standards and are built to last for generations to come.


Finishing touches

Child-proof glazing and ready to hang right out of the box

We use Clarity+ glazing which is a high-quality acrylic glass alternative, offering high UV resistance which doesn't yellow over time, is not easily scratched and is safe for use in children's bedrooms.

Your framed print will arrive with D-rings and cord already attached, ready to hang right out of the box.

Our prints

Conservation-grade high quality archival paper

Our prints are Giclée printed onto Hahnemaühle German Etching paper (310gsm), a conservation-grade high quality archival paper. This heavyweight etching paper has a fine surface texture and is one of the most popular media worldwide for higher quality artwork printing.